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"TOP categories!!!"

"An unforgettable adventure in the Jura with friends! Discover moments of conviviality and exploration in the heart of nature, from panoramic hikes to tastings of local products. Create lasting memories with your friends in this corner of paradise."

🌄 Explore the majestic peaks of the Jura in the company ofyour friends. Breathtaking views await you!

"Remarkable Gardens"

"🌿 A shaded path guides you through an avenue lined with exotic flowers and rare plants, in the middle of a renowned botanical garden. At your side, an ancient fountain whispers its history while ancient gardens stand as witnesses to the past. Explore the richness of harmoniously blooming plant diversity and immerse yourself in the living history of these enchanting places. #HistoricalBotany 🌺🏛️"

🌼 Explore the story: browseancient gardens and historic sites where thebotanical past comes to life. 🏛️ #FloralHeritage


“Educational” course

"Cette image captivante représente l'essence même du Jura, une destination de vacances idéale pour les amoureux de la nature et les curieux de tous âges. Au premier plan, vous pouvez voir une famille enthousiaste participant à l'une de nos visites éducatives en famille. Les sourires sur leurs visages suscitent l'excitation de la faune et de la flore du Jura, ainsi que de la géologie passionnante de la région.

En arrière-plan, les majestueuses montagnes du Jura s'étendent à perte de vue, offrant des possibilités infinies pour l'aventure en plein air. Les sentiers de randonnée sauvages serpentent à travers les paysages préservés, permettant aux voyageurs de se reconnecter avec la nature tout en observant la faune locale et en explorant les écosystèmes uniques du Jura.

Les roches du Jura se dressent en arrière-plan, témoignant de l'histoire géologique riche de la région. Nos excursions géologiques incontournables vous permettront de plonger dans cette histoire, avec des guides experts qui vous dévoileront les secrets cachés sous vos pieds.

Que vous soyez en quête d'aventure en plein air, de découvertes éducatives ou simplement de moments de détente au cœur de la nature sauvage, le Jura offre une expérience inoubliable. Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage éducatif et enrichissant au Jura, où chaque instant est une opportunité de découvrir la beauté de la nature préservée et de vous reconnecter avec notre planète."

Geology & Nature

"This captivating image invites you to visit the Jura and experience an extraordinary vacation. Discover the must-do activities and places to visit in the Jura in a unique way by taking part in exciting educational excursions. Whether you are traveling as a family, as a couple or in a group, explore the Jura differently thanks to educational guided tours that will immerse you in the Roman, prehistoric, industrial and religious history of the region.

Let yourself be seduced by the vineyards of the Jura and taste the traditional grape varieties while soaking up the local wine history. Explore the medieval castles of the Jura and relive medieval life in authentic settings.

For science lovers, the Jura science museums have fascinating discoveries in store for you. Whether you are passionate about prehistoric archeology or the history of the industrial revolution, the Jura offers an educational trip rich in lessons.

Don't miss the opportunity to experience a spiritual pilgrimage in the heart of the religious heritage of the Jura. Educational trails for adults will allow you to dive deep into the culture and history of this incredible region.

This image embodies adventure, learning and discovery in the Jura, where every corner has a new story to tell."

History & Heritage

"In this captivating image, you can almost feel the excitement of a Jura holiday. From majestic mountains to picturesque valleys, Jura offers a myriad of activities for every tourism enthusiast. Whether you want to visit iconic locations, delve into the history of the Jura through educational excursions, or exploring religious and contemporary architecture, every corner of this region is full of opportunities to discover the Jura differently. The educational tours, suitable for families and adults, will guide you through. historic churches, contemporary buildings, fortified cities, watch museums, and much more Embark on an unforgettable educational journey to the heart of the Jura, where Swiss watchmaking and religious heritage combine to create an enriching experience for you. will be cherished forever.”

Architecture & Building

"This image captures the very essence of Jura, a destination rich in possibilities for holidays and tourism. In the foreground you can see an enthusiastic family taking an educational family tour, exploring prehistoric sites and fascinating caves of the region Children are fascinated by the archeology of the Jura, while adults listen with interest to the experienced guide.

In the background, the magnificent landscapes of the Jura stretch as far as the eye can see, providing a spectacular backdrop to this educational adventure. The mountains, green forests and sparkling rivers invite you to discover nature while offering places to visit in the Jura.

Above the stage, contemporary artists have left their mark with works of modern art that adorn the area. Jura's art galleries present current artistic creations and reflect the region's dynamic contemporary art scene. Art trends in Jura are constantly evolving, and urban art adds a bold, modern touch to this picturesque destination.

In summary, this image represents a perfect getaway to the Jura, where the vacation turns into an unforgettable educational adventure. Whether you are interested in prehistory, contemporary art or nature, the Jura offers activities for all tastes, allowing you to discover this region in a unique and enriching way."

Arts & Creativity

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"Who are we?"

Meet our warm team and passionate! 😊🔥

"Discover the wonders of the Jura during an unforgettable adventure! This captivating image reveals the very essence of our region, where lush nature blends harmoniously with exciting activities. Let yourself be captivated by the beauty of the picturesque landscapes, the hiking trails that invite you to explore, and the crystal clear rivers that promise moments of relaxation and adventure. Enjoy enriching cultural experiences by visiting historic sites and picturesque villages, where authenticity reigns supreme. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast hungry for adrenaline, a history buff in search of captivating stories or simply a traveler looking for a change of scenery, the Jura awaits you with a multitude of exciting activities to experience and emotions to enjoy. share. Prepare to be amazed, inspired and fulfilled in our haven of peace, where every moment is an invitation to adventure and self-discovery."
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